
7:00 AM | Malden
Winchester Peewee 1
PeeWee 1
7:15 AM | Haverhill Gold
Haverhill Squirt 3
Squirt 3
7:30 AM | Lawrence
Andover Squirt 1
Squirt 1
10:30 AM | Kasabuski
Danvers Mite 1
Mite 2
11:00 AM | Janas
North Central MA Bantam 2
Bantam 2
2:00 PM | Hockey Town USA Inc
South Boston A (Full-Ice)
Mite 2
3:40 PM | Janas
Jr. Falcons Peewee 2
PeeWee 3
3:50 PM | Kasabuski
S&S Mite 1
Mite 1
4:20 PM | Malden
Winchester Squirt 2
Squirt 2
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